Espionage 2.8.4 Released!

The changes below have been updated to include those of 2.8.5. Espionage 2.8.4 is out! Here are the changes: IMPROVED: SyncServices folder is now encrypted for many apps. Espionage tries to make sure it remains unlocked IMPROVED: The ‘Lock On Quit’ option is now per-folder instead of per-application IMPROVED: Relationship between ‘autounlock at login’ and […]

Espionage 2.8.3 Released!

Espionage 2.8.3 is a minor point update with some significant changes: NEW: Converted EspionageHelper to launchd agent, resulting in improvements to: Improved security for non-enrypted folders (which are still obviously insecure) Removes startup errors associated with Apple’s buggy Login Items code Crash recovery NEW: iPhoto application template IMPROVED: Notification regarding moving or renaming unlocked encrypted […]