Existing iPhone Apps Breaking the TOS

Wow. It looks like someone made a Google Docs spreadsheet of existing iPhone applications breaking the TOS. Some of these “sub-standard” applications appear to include: The popular Rolando 2 for breaking 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 (Lua interpreter) Zombieville, #1 in all Games for a while, a Unity3D game (breaking 3.3.1) Ravensword: The Fallen King, #1 in […]

Steve Jobs’ response on Section 3.3.1

After posting my reaction to clause 3.3.1 of the iPhone SDK terms I decided to write Steve Jobs the following email: Hi Steve, Lots of people are pissed off at Apple’s mandate that applications be “originally written” in C/C++/Objective-C. If you go, for example, to the Hacker News homepage right now: <http://news.ycombinator.com/> You’ll see that […]

Dear Apple: The iPhone deserves better SDK terms

Outrage over this little clause in the new iPhone developer SDK terms is erupting all over the internet: 3.3.1 — Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs. Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by […]