What applications would you encrypt data for?

Thank you for your responses to our previous question: Should unencrypted folder support be removed?

Based on your responses we’re leaving it in, but some UI changes will make choosing no encryption much more deliberate.

We’re cooking up an incredible update for you guys. It’s going to be here really soon. If you can’t tell by the italics, I’m quite excited.

We’d like to know: What applications would you encrypt data for?

Here’s the list that we have as of this writing (and hopefully it’ll grow a lot): Address Book, Mail, iCal, Safari, Camino, Firefox, iChat, Adium, Colloquy, X-Chat Aqua, and Things.

Update: Please restrict suggestions to applications that store their data to a specific location (not determined by the user). For example, document-based applications that let users save documents to any location don’t count.

10 thoughts on “What applications would you encrypt data for?

  1. Reply

    Ryan Lynch

    Any financial software such as Quicken should be encrypted. Usually these programs do this themselves but not all of them unfortunately.

  2. Reply

    Guy Powis

    – Together (Formerly Keep It Together)
    – Yojimbo
    – Mail, Safari, Firefox, AdiumX, Things, etc.

    It we could also encrypt the KeyChain and 1Password folders (they use weak 128-bit encryption) with an additional envelope of security provided by Espionage that would be great.

    Please be sure to address any conflicts with PGP WDE in the new update.

  3. Reply

    Greg Slepak Post author

    Thank you for your suggestions guys!

    @Guy Powis, while you can encrypt 1Password’s folder, encrypting the Keychains folder is not possible since the login keychain (which resides inside of it), must be accessed by the system before Espionage is running. Also, Espionage (when set to use the login keychain), could not use it if that folder was encrypted. We still have not confirmed the PGP conflict (if it exists), but that is on our todo list.

    We’re now up to 17 applications. The new additions are: Together, Yojimbo, Cents, CheckBook Pro, Financial Life, and QuickBooks 2009.

    (Note: We’re only looking for applications that store their data in a *specific location* and can’t already encrypt all of their data.)

    We still have time to add more, so let us know if you think of any!

  4. Reply


    How about FileMaker’s Bento? Also Coda (I’d hate to leave all my websites open for public tampering).

  5. Reply

    Bo Rotoloni

    The MS Office Suite for the Mac, except Entourage. Conceptdraw suite as well

  6. Reply

    Guy Powis

    Hey Greg,

    I understand encrypting KeyChain is not possible that makes sense. But can we please encrypt the 1Password folder (including the default backup folder)?

    Also please add “Psi” and “Skype” to the list of supported applications.

  7. Reply

    Greg Slepak Post author

    @Guy, yes, as I said above, you can encrypt 1Password’s folder. Just make sure that it’s unlocked before you use any web browser. Though again, there’s little reason to do that as Agile already encrypts their keychain with AES-128 bit encryption.

    Thanks for the Skype suggestion, I’m surprised we left that off. Psi unfortunately stores its data in a non-standard, invisible directory, so to avoid headaches we probably won’t add that to the list, but you’ll still be able to manually … do that secret thing that is coming in the next version. 🙂

  8. Reply

    Guy Powis

    How much longer until the next version is released? I am checking your site every day!

  9. Reply

    Greg Slepak Post author

    @Guy: sometime next week, we’re finishing up the beta test right now. If you haven’t already, you can sign up for the announcement list on the News page, we’ll let everyone on the list know the second it’s released.

  10. Reply

    Guy Powis

    OK I had one more thought. What about your iPhone files? iTunes keeps those files plus backups and they contain sensitive information worth encrypting. Maybe you can consider supporting that. (Not the music files, etc.. but the data like your notes etc.)

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