Progress bar stuck at 10%

Started by tylerstringer, November 10, 2013, 03:47:33 PM

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In the Espionage menu, a folder I am attempting to lock is stuck at 8.3 gb of 83 gb and has been for about two weeks.  The bar is trying to chug along but never moves...  How do I Fix this? Thanks


Quote from: tylerstringer on November 10, 2013, 03:47:33 PM
In the Espionage menu, a folder I am attempting to lock is stuck at 8.3 gb of 83 gb and has been for about two weeks.  The bar is trying to chug along but never moves...  How do I Fix this? Thanks

Two weaks?!?

It shouldn't take longer than a few hours to encrypt that amount of data, even with a slow drive.

Where is this data located? Is it on a network drive?

If it has been there that long it's safe to say it won't finish, so you can click the 'x' to cancel it.
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There is no x...  See screenshot


Quote from: tylerstringer on November 10, 2013, 04:26:14 PM
There is no x...  See screenshot

The screenshot shows that the folder has been successfully encrypted. You should be able to unlock it now by moving the slider.
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That's cool but what is the progress bar chuggin' along for?  it's pulsing like it's still working on it.  Thanks


Quote from: tylerstringer on November 10, 2013, 04:33:50 PM
That's cool but what is the progress bar chuggin' along for?  it's pulsing like it's still working on it.  Thanks

Touché. It's a weird thing with Apple's UI. Thanks for bringing this issue up, I agree it's somewhat confusing, we'll look into it.
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Ha.  You blame Apple and they blame you.  Welcome to the computer world!  :)  Thank you.


No problem. :)

(I actually remember struggling with this very issue a year ago and not coming up with a solution back then. It's worth another try though.)
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Hello, I think this was a misunderstanding at that time, the progress bar on an encrypted folder shows the percentage of the data present in the disk image in comparison to the capacity of the disk image. If the disk image capacity is 10GB and you have 1GB in the protected folder, then the "progress bar" will be at around 10%.

Note that the disk image capacity and size are two different things, the capacity is the size util which the disk image can "grow" but the size will be similar, just a bit larger, then the total amount of data present in the disk image.

I hope this helps,

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