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Messages - tgdigital

Espionage 2 / Re: Manually backup to external hard drive
November 15, 2010, 09:11:38 AM
Thanks Greg. I guess the key turned out to be using the "Remote" option within Filemaker to access (which is the way we had been opening the db each day from my computer previously).

Using Finder to try to open directly doesn't work when it's being protected by Espionage since I can't "see" the real file that way. Which is understandable given the way it works.

We're all set now and went ahead with the Espionage purchase on Friday.

Thanks for the prompt help with my questions.
Espionage 2 / Re: Manually backup to external hard drive
November 12, 2010, 09:38:29 AM
I'm on OS 10.4 so that's why Espionage doesn't install on my computer. Not really planning to go 10.5 on this one, more likely will get a new Mac some months down the road rather than any upgrades to this one. So ideally we can find a workable solution for the setup we have now that allows encrypting our customer database, that would be great.

Currently we do have the filemaker database file (and folder it's in) as shared so that I can open/edit it. This allows both of us to use it at the same time. The only time there is a problem with info being saved is if we're both on the same record, which rarely happens. And then it just gives a message warning and one person gets out of that record. Otherwise we can make changes as needed and there is never a need to merge things at the end of the day. Both our changes are applied to the single database file.

I tried what you suggested about having the boss's computer have sharing on (which it already did, actually, for basically all folders that I would ever need to access) but when I see the folder on my end, if it's in Espionage on his computer, I can't access it due to the encryption. So for example, he has a test database file inside a folder named "filemaker encryption test." If on his computer the file isn't in Espionage, therefore completely unencrypted, I can access it fine. That's the normal state as we currently do things. However, once he puts it into Espionage while I can see the folder name, it's changed due to the encryption where I can no longer access any file inside the folder (no files even appear as "inside" the folder and the folder icon is changed). We have tried having "locked" unchecked and checked, "enabled" unchecked and checked, and none of those scenarios allow me to access while the file is being encrypted with Espionage.

Anymore ideas you can think of?

Thanks in advance.
Espionage 2 / Re: Manually backup to external hard drive
November 11, 2010, 02:59:29 PM
Thanks for the info. We just tested out the backup process and that should work fine.

One other question if you can advise:

We're a two person office and I need to be able to open the same Filemaker database file. The file is on the boss's Intel based Mac. I can open because his computer is shared so I can use it as needed, make changes to the data, etc.

However, if we use Espionage to encrypt that file, then even if he unchecks both "Enabled" and "Locked" within Espionage, I still can't see/open the file. I suspect that is because I don't have Espionage on my computer. Since I have a non-Intel Mac, I can't install Espionage.

So is our only option going to be on the main computer (the boss's) each morning when we start the day we have to remove that Filemaker database from Espionage so that I can use it as well from the non-Intel Mac? Then at the end of the day we put it back into Espionage before leaving?

If you have any other solutions please advise. If we do have to go the route of removing it and then putting it back into Espionage each day, we can live with that. Just a bit of a process is all.

Thanks for your help!
Espionage 2 / Manually backup to external hard drive
November 11, 2010, 10:21:04 AM
I'm a new user giving Espionage a test run. So far it looks like it should meet our needs.

One area that I'm a little confused on is backups. Ideally what we'd like to do is just manually backup the file we're using this for (Filemaker database) but everything I see in the "Using Espionage's Backups" section seems to indicate it's more of an automated process based on a time period (every 30 min or whatever) or based on unlocking the folder.

If we went that route, can we simply drag the backup folder over to an external drive whenever we want for our "off site" backup?

Or what method would you suggest for our purposes. Basically once every few days we would want to backup to our external drive (which is then taken home by the boss).

Is there a way to set Espionage to back up directly to that drive whenever we need?

Thanks in advance for any info.