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Messages - bastibechtold

Espionage 2 / Re: Espionage breaking my contacts
January 25, 2011, 03:47:56 AM
Well, it took a few days, but all my contacts are gone again. Actually, they are not completely gone, they just lost most of their contents. Some of them are only empty names by now.

I guess this must have something to do with my using Spanninc Sync to sync my contacts to Google.

Anyway, I disabled Espionage for SyncServices again.
Espionage 2 / Re: Espionage breaking my contacts
January 20, 2011, 12:07:31 AM
I will try that.

Thank you for your help!
Espionage 2 / Espionage breaking my contacts
January 18, 2011, 02:18:17 AM
Dear Tao Effect,

I have been using Espionage for quite a while now and I like it very much.

However, it is a royal pain to use Espionage for my contacts. It usually takes only hours (days at most) until all my contacts are gone. Dead. Address Book won't show any contacts at all. I usually won't be able to add new contacts, either. Sometimes, they will still be accessible from, sometimes not. Sometimes it helps to delete `/Library/Application Support/SyncServices/*.*`, sometimes not. Good thing I have backups, since otherwise this would have been awful.

I don't know exactly what is causing this, but I do know that it does not happen if I don't use Espionage. For now, this means I can not use Espionage for my Address Book.

Bastian (A somewhat disgruntled user)
I am getting the same behaviour. Every time I log in, Espionage growls an "Alert" message in addition to its "Unlocked" message.