Normal restore: what happens, how long?

Started by jaylindell, January 26, 2011, 09:05:02 AM

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I have an encrypted folder on an external drive. It is approx. 48GB in size. From within Espionage's program window, I selected the folder and selected the '-' button to restore the folder to normal. Wiithin a minute or so, the folder name was mounted volume on the desktop. Opening it shows the file and, system syas, it is that approx. 48GB size. HOWEVER, Espionage has been cranking -- 'Restoring folder...' indicator on lower right -- for about 45 minutes. The external drive still shows the folder but it is now approx. 15GB. It has been at that size for at least 20 minutes.

In the course of a normal restore, what should happen (on the desktop and/or on the external drive), what inter-states of storage am I/should I be seeing, and is it likely that it can take a very long time to complete the restore? Other than checking that Espionage is not 'not responding' from the forced quit list, how can I monitor any progress?



So, two hours later, here is what happened:

• Espionage completed its unencrypting
• The mounted volume self-unmounted
• The restored folder was...well...restored
• Life went on as usual around here

Thanks, Tao. Continue to love Espionage.



Indeed, unfortunately the program we use for restoration (rsync) doesn't give us information on how long the restoration it will take, so a 48GB folder can take... a long time.

Glad to hear all is well though.
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