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Messages - steven

Thank you very much Greg! I must admit I haven't tried this yet but I'll give it a shot and let you know what I think as soon as I have some free time to tinker with this. MY objective is to be able to have my script run automatically via launchd, say every 10min to let me know if I have new email, but I still want to prevent anyone from launching without entering a password. I don't care if it's not 100% secure, just a basic extra level of password-prompt to prevent a quick "prying eye" from taking a peak at
Hello, I really like the app, it's great and does something (encrypt mail) that has been missing for years on the mac. However I am wondering if it is possible to allow applescripts to automatically run and access encrypted apps?

I suspect the answer is no but I thought I'd try. I do not currently use the due to lack of password protection, and to be honest the only reason I want to use it, is because I can use applescript to do things like show the number of unread messages on my desktop/growl, etc. I currently use a couple applescripts for ical as well.

Here is a simple example that displays new messages (which would then be passed to geektool or growl):

set newline to ASCII character 10
set finalText to ""
tell application id ""
set unreadCount to (get unread count of inbox)
if unreadCount > 0 then
set theMessages to (messages of inbox whose read status is false)
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in theMessages
set thisMessage to item i of theMessages
set fromMsg to (sender of thisMessage as string)
set subjMsg to (subject of thisMessage as string)
set finalText to finalText & i & ". " & fromMsg & newline & "      " & subjMsg & newline
end repeat
set finalText to "No mail."
end if
end tell

Obviously, if is unencrypted or already running via espionage login, it works fine. However, if the script is run with closed, I get an espionage password prompt to unlock This is a problem because the script needs to have access so that it can be automated via launchd. Is there any way you can think of to grant a script permission to execute a protected espionage app?

This also seems to be a problem area for iCal/Mail. What I mean is, in iCal you can set an event to email you upon due time. If is protected, it breaks that function in iCal unless there is some method of granting ical privileges to execute mail.