ANN: Moved to new forum software! Some links might be broken!

Started by greg, June 13, 2013, 01:16:17 PM

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We've moved to new forum software because phpBB3 was giving us headaches. Hopefully this new forum will work better!  :)

Please note, some stuff broke during the move:

  • Some user posts got lost. You might see threads that have answers but no questions. Search for the a thread with the same topic name in the old, disabled forum in such cases.
  • Many old threads include links to posts in the old forum. Below I show how to convert these links.

How to convert old forum links:

Just remove the forum number from the URL and keep the topic ID (and add ".0" to the end):

Old topic link:

New topic link:

If a link points to a thread in the old forum, and you can't figure out how to make it work, post here and we'll give you some hints!

If you notice any issues with the new forum software please let us know here!

Thank you!
Your friends at Tao Effect
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