;; @module DF.DB, DF.SQL, DF.BLOB ;; @description Generic database access interface for Dragonfly using Objective newLISP ;; @version 1.1 ;; @author Greg Slepak ;; @location http://www.taoeffect.com/newlisp/database.lsp.txt ;;

The purpose of this module is to standardize the interface to ;; access databases. This will allow you, for the most part, to write your code once ;; and easily switch the type of database that you're using.


To accomplish this, the interface introduces three Objective newLISP classes: ;; 'DF.DB', 'DF.SQL', and 'DF.BLOB'.



;; A 'DF.DB' object represents a database connection. Using it you connect to ;; the database and execute SQL queries. ;;


;; A 'DF.SQL' object is a wrapper around an SQL statement, is retrieved through one of ;; two functions: 'DF.DB:execute-query' and the lower-level 'DF.DB:preprare-sql'. ;;

It is used to retrieve rows from the result set of a query one-by-one.



;; 'DF.BLOB' is used to insert and retrieve (possibly large) binary data into databases. ;; It is needed for two reasons: ;;
  1. newLISP uses strings to buffer and store binary data, and that's already used to store text.
  2. ;;
  3. BLOBs can be very large, so by storing them in a context we avoid excessive copying.
  4. ;;
;; Unlike the other two classes, 'DF.BLOB' provides a basic working implementation for 'DF.SQL' subclasses ;; to use. You may of course subclass it if your database requires additional functionality. It requires ;; special usage considerations, see its documentation below. ;;


;; (push-autorelease-pool) ; we're going to be using DF.BLOB's.
;; (setf db (instantiate Sqlite3 ":memory:"))
;; (if-not db (throw-error "couldn't open db"))
;; (db:execute-update "CREATE TABLE fish (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, weight REAL, blah BLOB)")
;; (db:execute-update "INSERT INTO fish (name,weight) VALUES (?,?)" '("flipper" 234.123))
;; (db:execute-update "INSERT INTO fish (name,weight) VALUES (?1,?2)" '(("?1" "catfish") ("?2" 100.3)))
;; (db:execute-update "INSERT INTO fish (blah) VALUES (?)" (list (DF.BLOB (dup "\000" 10))))
;; (db:execute-update "INSERT INTO fish (blah) VALUES (:cat)" (list (list ":cat" (DF.BLOB (dup "\000" 10)))))
;; (setf sql (db:execute-query "SELECT * FROM fish"))
;; (do-while (list? row)
;;  (push-autorelease-pool) ; "in case" we end up fetching a lot of large blobs
;;  (setf row (sql:next-row))
;; 	(println "row: " row)
;;  (pop-autorelease-pool)
;; )
;; (deallocate sql)
;; (deallocate db)
;; (pop-autorelease-pool) ; deallocate the blobs we created


;; ;; @link http://www.rundragonfly.com Dragonfly is only required for its logging functions. You can easily implement your own ;; versions of 'DF:log-err', 'DF:log-debug', and the other functions found in Dragonfly's 'log.lsp'. ;;

Version history

;; 1.1 • 'DF.BLOB' added
;; 1.0 • initial release ; TODO: move all of this to utils.lsp (constant (global 'NEWLISP64) (not (zero? (& (sys-info -1) 256)))) ; cache the function for getting a pointer (constant (global 'get-ptr) (if NEWLISP64 get-long get-int)) ; used to indicate that a method *must* be overwritten (constant (global 'throw-not-implemented) (fn()(throw-error "not defined by subclass!"))) (new-class 'DF.DB) (new-class 'DF.SQL) (new-class 'DF.BLOB) ; NOTE: all functions here are context-qualified because ; newLISP will complain if there already exists a function ; of that name in the MAIN context. ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; !DF.DB ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;; @syntax DF.DB ;;

Represents a database connection. You create a DF.DB object ;; like so:

(instantiate  [ []])

What type should be represented by is undefined, but ;; it's recommended that subclasses use strings. If is specified ;; the a connected instance must be returned (or 'nil' upon failure).


The possibly optional are specific to which subclass you're using. See its ;; corresponding documentation.


Instances must have code in their 'dealloc' method so that they can properly cleanup their resources ;; (e.g. shutdown connection) if deallocated with 'deallocate'.

(context DF.DB) (define (DF.DB:DF.DB connection) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.DB:open ) ;;

Returns 'true' if the connection was opened successfully, 'nil' ;; if there was an error opening the connection, or throws an exception ;; if already connected.

(define (DF.DB:open connection) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.DB:close) ;;

Returns 'true' if the connection was closed successfully or was ;; already closed, or 'nil' if there was an error closing the connection.

(define (DF.DB:close) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.DB:prepare-sql ) ;; @param A single SQL statement. Does not need to end in ';' ;;

Returns a 'DF.SQL' object upon success, 'nil' on failure, or throws ;; an exception if not connected.


important: If your SQL statement contains placeholders (to be ;; bound later using 'DF.SQL:bind-params') you may not mix and match placeholder styles! ;; Pick one placeholder style and stick with it for the entire statement.

(define (DF.DB:prepare-sql sql) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.DB:execute-update []) ;; @param A single SQL statement. Does not need to end in ';' ;; @param A list of parameters to bind to a parameterized query ;;

Same as 'DF.DB:execute-query' but returns 'true' instead of a 'DF.SQL' object upon success. ;; Useful for SQL such as "UPDATE" and "INSERT".

(define (DF.DB:execute-update sql params) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.DB:execute-query []) ;; @param A single SQL statement. Does not need to end in ';' ;; @param A list of parameters to bind to a parameterized query ;;

A short-hand for 'DF.DB:prepare-sql' and 'DF.SQL:bind-params'. Returns ;; a 'DF.SQL' object upon success, 'nil' on failure, or throws an exception if ;; not connected.


see: documentation for 'DF.SQL:bind-params' for more info on . (define (DF.DB:execute-query sql params) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.DB:rows-for-query []) ;;

Same as 'DF.DB:execute-query' but retrieves all of the rows and returns them as a list of results.


important: If any columns contain BLOB types, you must have ;; an autorelease pool allocated prior to calling this function!

(define (DF.DB:rows-for-query sql params) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.DB:rowid) ;;

Returns the row id for the last row that was inserted or throws an ;; exception if not connected.

(define (DF.DB:rowid) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.DB:changes) ;;

Returns how many rows were affected by the last INSERT/UPDATE, or throws ;; an exception of not connected

(define (DF.DB:changes) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.DB:version) ;;

Returns the version number of the database library being used as an integer.

(define (DF.DB:version) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.DB:table-exists? ) ;;

Returns nil or non-nil depending on whether the table named 'table-name' exists, ;; or throws an exception if not connected.

(define (DF.DB:table-exists? table-name) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.DB:connected?) ;; @return nil or non-nil depending on whether this 'DF.DB' object has an active connection. (define (DF.DB:connected?) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.DB:last-error) ;; @return a list of two elements: the most recent error code and a description string. (define (DF.DB:last-error) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; !DF.SQL ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;; @syntax DF.SQL ;;

Represents a prepared statement. It is used to bind values to a statement's parameters ;; and retrieve the results of a query.


You do not create a DF.SQL instance yourself but obtain one through 'DF.DB:prepare-sql'. ;; However, if you've obtained an instance then you are responsible for freeing its memory ;; and closing its connection when you're finished with it.


Subclasses should make sure that their 'dealloc' method calls 'DF.SQL:close' so that ;; statements can be freed and closed in one function call using 'deallocate'.

(context DF.SQL) ;; @syntax (DF.SQL:bind-params ) ;;

Binds the placeholders of this SQL statement to the values in .


may be simply a list of values, or an association list of key/value ;; pairs, depending on the placeholder pattern used in the SQL. Placeholder styles ;; may not be mixed per SQL statement.


Values may be any of newLISP's primitives. To specify a BLOB wrap your string ;; in a 'DF.BLOB':

;; example: ;;
;; ; "weight" is a REAL and "blah" is a BLOB
;; (push-autorelease-pool) ; create our autorelease pool since we're using DF.BLOB
;; (setf sql (db:prepare-sql "INSERT INTO fish (weight,blah) VALUES (?,?)"))
;; (sql:bind-params (list 1043.3 (DF.BLOB (dup "\000" 5))))
;; (println (sql:next-row))
;; (deallocate sql)
;; (pop-autorelease-pool)
(define (DF.SQL:bind-params params) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.SQL:next-row) ;;

Returns a row as a list from the result set of a statement, 'true' if ;; there are no more rows to return, or 'nil' if there was an error.

;; example: ;;
(push-autorelease-pool) ; only necessary if there's a BLOB column
;; (while (list? (setf row (sql:next-row)))
;; 	(println "row: " row)
;; )
;; (pop-autorelease-pool) ; free any blobs

important: If any columns contain BLOB types, you must have ;; an autorelease pool allocated prior to calling this function!

(define (DF.SQL:next-row) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.SQL:reset) ;;

Resets the statement so that it can be re-used without preparing another ;; statement (which is more efficient). After reseting a statement you typically ;; use 'DF.SQL:bind-params' to bind new values and then 'DF.SQL:next-row'.

(define (DF.SQL:reset) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;; @syntax (DF.SQL:close) ;;

Releases the resources used by the SQL statement represented by this object. ;; You cannot use it anymore after calling this method, the only thing left to do ;; is to 'deallocate' it, and since sublasses of 'DF.SQL' must call 'close' in ;; their 'dealloc' methods, it's often simpler to call 'deallocate' on the object instead.


Returns 'true' upon success, 'nil' on failure or if already closed.

(define (DF.SQL:close) (throw-not-implemented) ) ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; !DF.BLOB ;--------------------------------------------------------------- (context DF.BLOB) ;; @syntax (DF.BLOB:DF.BLOB ) ;;

An object wrapper around a blob of data represented by , used ;; for efficient passing of possibly large binary data.


Unlike most other 'ObjNL' classes, you typically create an instance ;; by simply calling its constructor instead of calling 'instantiate' yourself. ;; It will then 'instantiate' and 'autorelease' a 'DF.BLOB' instance containing the data ;; in 'DF.BLOB:blob'.


important: An autorelease pool must be in place when using the ;; constructor to instantiate a blob!


see: the introduction to this document for example usage.

(define (DF.BLOB:DF.BLOB _blob) (if (= @self @class) (autorelease (instantiate @class _blob)) (begin (setf blob _blob) true) ) ) (context MAIN)