I have read a lot of documentation on Time Machine and Espionage, but unless I missed it, I can't find info on Encrypting the Time Machine backup itself. Most of the docs refer to Time Machine backing up Espionage'd folders.
Here is my rationale: I do all my Time Machine Backups to external hard drive. I don't want to use FileVault for various reasons. I am not concerned about the contents on the internal drive on the MacBook Pro being encrypted, but I do want the Time Machine backups on the the external drive to be encrypted, since the external drive is not always in my control.
Could I just let Time Machine do it's first backup, then encrypt the entire Time Machine folder with Espionage? I would then unlock that folder as soon as it is plugged in. Are there any issues with this? Is there a way to do whole disk encryption with Espionage as an alternative to a specific folder? Sorry if this has been addressed already.