I use Espionage mainly to lock folders (I.e., they are not encrypted). Since switching to Mountain Lion, I noticed that I can now click on "locked" folders and still see all their contents. Previously, when clicking on a locked folder, one was prompted to input the password to open the folder - otherwise access was denied. Now, as mentioned, I can immediately see the contents (file names, file types) of the "locked" folders. However, when I double-click a file contained in such a folder it won't open (either "file type not recognized" or "insufficient privileges"). While this is not as good a protection as not even seeing the folders contents, this still prevents unauthorized people from opening these files. However, if I myself want to open these files I have to invoke the Espionage program and switch the folder status manually from "locked" to "unlocked" - needless to say, this is very inconvenient! (I am also not aware of a context-sensitive submenu (right-click) that would offer to unlock a folder!?)
So, I was wondering if that is because of a problem with EspionageHelper or whether there could be another cause for this problem!? In any case, a way to fix it would be appreciated
