Hello, here are the two folders you have to protect:
However, it is not that simply, and I guess this is why the Espionage developers decided to drop the application protection in espionage 3.
First of all the easy part:
- Espionage 3 works in a way that if the folder is locked, it appears to the system as empty folder. The access to the folder is granted, it is just empty. Espionage 2 works different, if the folder is protected if anything tries to access it, it will trigger the password prompt, if you deny it, the application or whatever else will be denied access to the folder
- But there is more to it: if the folder is locked, in the empty folder which is the protected folder mount point, or place holder, you can put some data. This data will disappear when you unlock the folder and reappear when you lock it. So basically you can end up with folder having different content depending whether it is unlocked or locked. I find this a neat trick, which can further mislead the potential intruder.
- Now having this in mind, if an application stores some data into a folder, and you quit the application and lock the folder afterwards, if you launch the app again, without unlocking the folder first, the app fill find no data and it will start up with no data, like for the first time, so it will create the default empty files. And you can write into them.
So for Notes, for example:
- you start it for the first time, enter a few notes, quit notes, protect the folder, unlock the folder, open notes, the data will be there
- now you quit notes, lock the folder, launch notes, it will start up empty. now you write some notes, quit notes, launch notes, the new data will be there.
- and here is the interesting part: now you quit notes, unlock the folder, launch notes, you will get the first notes. now quit notes, lock folder, launch notes, you will get the second set of data

Yeah, I know, read it few times, you will get it

If you prefer not to have the second set of data at all, then you set espionage to launch on startup and set the notes folder to unlock automatically.
BUT: due to mountain lion "reopen windows on next login", I'm not sure if you can ever enter into scenario that the notes launch earlier then espionage manages to unlock it, this is if you had notes running before logout or reboot.
If this happens, you will end up with emtpy notes. Just quit notes, unlock the folder and launch notes again.....
Now for the messages:
- I tested it briefly and it behaves a bit different then notes, even if you have the folder locked, it seems that all what is gone is the message history, which is I guess the most important thing, however the contacts you were messaging with and your account details will still be there.
Not sure if this is good enough for you.
To see exactly which folders is an application reading, use the fseventer utility from
http://www.fernlightning.com/You will see more then you ever wanted to

There are all sort of caches and tmp files which are read, so I'm not sure how to prevent all the data to appear.
Give it a try and if you figure it out, let me know.
I hope I helped you at least a bit.