New Features
Version 2.8.13 (7/20/11)
Changes since 2.8.12
- NOTE: This update will cause the installer to run again (prompting you for your admin password)
- FIXED: removed "failed to get node path" console messages in ispyd.log on Lion
- FIXED: issue with application associations on Lion
- IMPROVED: removed some 10.5 dependencies. recompiled with llvm-gcc.
Version 2.8.12 (6/8/11)
Changes since 2.8.11
- NOTE: With Lion approaching, this will likely be the last release to support Mac OS 10.5 Leopard
- CHANGED: Removed ability to backup unlocked folders for integrity reasons (you can force it on an unlocked folder by holding the Option key when clicking on Espionage in the menubar)
- FIXED: "Folder is being backed up, please wait..." notification appearing inappropriately
- FIXED: "Backups Successful" notification appearing inappropriately
- FIXED: Update issue on Leopard
- IMPROVED: Updated documentation on corrupt database error
Version 2.8.11 (5/31/11)
Changes since 2.8.10
- NEW: Lion support (now fully 64-bit!)
- NEW: Complete extended attributes support for the encrypted folder itself (xattrs on files inside the folder were always supported)
- NEW: Bitcoin application template
- IMPROVED: Custom folder icon support
- IMPROVED: Prevent unlocked folders from being backed up to ensure backup integrity
- IMPROVED: Updated documentation and added example with link to blog instructions for Microsoft Outlook
- FIXED: Espionage won't complain if run from an external disk (or separate partition)
- FIXED: Helper failed to run if home folder is located on non-root drive (e.g. /Volumes/etc..)
- FIXED: Problems encrypting iPhoto Library
- FIXED: "Don't have a record for it" messages wouldn't go away (hopefully for real this time)
- FIXED: Alignment of master password field with written text above it
- FIXED: On folder restore, sparsebundles were incorrectly sent to the trash with a sparseimage file extension
Version 2.8.10 (3/25/11)
Changes since 2.8.9
- FIXED: Apps did not get associated properly in 2.8.9
Version 2.8.9 (3/23/11)
Changes since 2.8.8
- NEW: Sparrow application template
- IMPROVED: SmartMove is now even smarter (detects change in parent folder location at lock/unlock).
- IMPROVED: Added documentation on how to recover from a corrupt database
- IMPROVED: Espionage can create folders that haven't been created yet (but should be, like "Mail Downloads")
- SECURITY: Remind user to secure-empty trash after changing the encryption on a folder
- FIXED: 2.8.8 broke Backup on Lock
- FIXED: "Don't have a record for it" messages wouldn't go away
Version 2.8.8 (1/13/11)
Changes since 2.8.7
- NEW: Evernote application template (be sure to quit the Elephant in the menubar before encrypting!)
- NEW: Instructions for Microsoft Outlook (
- IMPROVED: iCal template associates Mail with the Calendars folder now because of Todos
- IMPROVED: Outdated backups of sparseimages (when folder changed to sparsebundle) are deleted (and vice versa)
- FIXED: Rare situation where Espionage's main window wouldn't show because of recent updates
- FIXED: Issue where templates wouldn't work if some core apps were deleted (like iPhoto, etc.)
- FIXED: Rare hang that could occur during simultaneous backup + changing encryption of folder
- FIXED: Possibly fixed issue encrypting folders outside of a FileVault encrypted Home directory, testing needed
Version 2.8.7 (10/27/10)
Changes since 2.8.6
- FIXED: Previous version caused login keychain to lock if Espionage was set to use the login keychain
- FIXED: Corrected explanation in documentation for calculating folder capacity
Version 2.8.6 (10/25/10)
Changes since 2.8.5
- IMPROVED: Intelligence of application templates w.r.t. dependencies and more
- IMPROVED: "Choose Password" changes to "Password Required" when re-adding an encrypted folder to Espionage
- IMPROVED: Espionage now takes steps to resolve a situation when two disk images exist for one folder
- IMPROVED: Added documentation on 'saved' folders and other advanced preferences
- FIXED: "Lock Folder" contextual menu item not showing up
- FIXED: Handling of 'saved' folders. See new preference in Advanced preferences
- FIXED: Issue where device syncing could be disabled due to conflict with SyncServices
- FIXED: Size check is not necessary for already encrypted folders
- FIXED: Scroll bar wasn't visible for the small association box when adding a folder to Espionage with too many associations
- FIXED: Unnecessary associations suggested when adding Mail folder(s) directly to Espionage instead of via the template
- FIXED: Hang that could occur if application association is launched independently during autounlock
- FIXED: Rare issue where user could be prompted for login keychain password despite using separate keychain
Version 2.8.5 (8/29/10)
Changes since 2.8.4
- NEW: Added "Open Espionage" menu item to Espionage's global menu
- FIXED: Rare minute-long hang when an app was launched immediately after another was unlocked
- IMPROVED: Added a warning regarding encrypting folders beginning with an underscore
Version 2.8.4 (8/25/10)
Changes since 2.8.3
- IMPROVED: SyncServices folder is now encrypted for many apps. Espionage tries to make sure it remains unlocked
- IMPROVED: The 'Lock On Quit' option is now per-folder instead of per-application
- IMPROVED: Relationship between 'autounlock at login' and 'launch at login'
- IMPROVED: Miscellaneous improvements
Version 2.8.3 (8/7/10)
Changes since 2.8.2
- NEW: Converted EspionageHelper to launchd agent, resulting in improvements to:
- Improved security for non-enrypted folders (which are still obviously insecure)
- Removes startup errors associated with Apple's buggy Login Items code
- Crash recovery
- NEW: iPhoto application template
- IMPROVED: Notification regarding moving or renaming unlocked encrypted folders.
- IMPROVED: Updated iCal template to reflect changes by Apple
- FIXED: Check to prevent encryption of Library folder
- FIXED: Rare situation where incorrect applications would be suggested as associations for a folder
- FIXED: SmartMove did not update app associations
- FIXED: Unnecessarily re-prompted for master password when stopping helper from preferences
Version 2.8.2 (6/29/10)
Changes since 2.8.1
- FIXED: Rare issue where Espionage could hang on first-unlock of a folder because of Spotlight
Version 2.8.1 (6/24/10)
Changes since 2.8
- IMPROVED: Minimized appearance of "Please lock" info alerts
- IMPROVED: Folders on Time Machine's blacklist are removed from it when restored
- IMPROVED: Don't allow non-encrypted folders to be added to Time Machine's blacklist
- IMPROVED: Documentation for restoring from Time Machine backups
- FIXED: Problems importing invisible disk images
Version 2.8 (6/22/10)
Changes since 2.7.1
- NEW: SmartMove - allows folders to be moved and renamed like normal, Espionage handles the details
- NEW: Espionage now handles importing previously lost encrypted folders when given their symlink
- NEW: Setting to prevent Time Machine from backing up a folder, available by right-clicking on a folder in the list.
- NEW: Prompt user for folder password during restoration in the event of issues retrieving it from keychain
- NEW: Remind user to enable Espionage's backups if they're not enabled.
- IMPROVED: Backups made safer: Espionage won't overwrite backups with folders that failed to unlock
- IMPROVED: Better support for encrypting invisible folders (those that start with a dot)
- IMPROVED: "Lock Folder" CM on 10.6 now properly locks folder if used on folder's mountpoint
- IMPROVED: Path Finder compatibility. Make sure to check Path Finder compatibility mode in the Preferences
- IMPROVED: Ensure Finder is active after a folder is unlocked
- FIXED: Issue with one of Espionage's folder validation checks
- FIXED: Issue where Finder could cause prompt to appear immediately after a folder is locked
Version 2.7.1 (6/3/10)
Changes since 2.7
- NEW: Application template for Google Chrome
- IMPROVED: Ensures Espionage is forground app when adding a folder to it
- CHANGED: Changed default filesystem to HFS+J
- FIXED: Size check issue that could report a folder as being too large to encrypt
- FIXED: Rare situation where the license type could be missing in the registration window
- FIXED: Registration issue with licenses having '+' in their email. (this time for good)
- FIXED: Issue that could occur when renaming encrypted folder to a name that has forward-slashes
- FIXED: Check for folder-in-folder encryption conflicted in rare situation with folder rename
Version 2.7 (5/30/10)
Changes since 2.6.1
- NEW: Espionage can now import sparseimages and sparsebundles, converting them to folders.
- NEW: Espionage now prevents the symlink from being moved, deleted or renamed when a folder is unlocked.
- NEW: You can now send a folder to Espionage by using the Lock Folder contextual menu item (10.6 only)
- IMPROVED: Espionage will try to unlock a folder a second time upon failing the first time to compensate for a bug in OS X.
- IMPROVED: Added helpful troubleshooting tips to some dialogs.
- IMPROVED: Now you can have apps within autounlocked folders be delayed-launched
- IMPROVED: Check to make sure there's enough space on the drive before encrypting a folder.
- FIXED: Issue on 10.6 where you couldn't re-lock a non-encrypted folder using the contextual menu
- FIXED: Registration issue with licenses having '+' in their email.
- FIXED: In some situations a folder could be added to Espionage skipping the folder's integrity check
- FIXED: LCC installer didn't remove old files, so updated check to take this into account
Version 2.6.1 (2/26/10)
Changes since 2.6
- IMPROVED: Updated RBSplitView to 1.2
- IMPROVED: Updated BWToolkit to 1.2.5
- FIXED: Issue where LCC version could be incorrectly detected preventing Espionage from running
Version 2.6 (2/23/10)
Changes since 2.5.4
- NEW: Redesigned and improved password prompts
- NEW: "Lock Folder" contextual item is back for 10.6 (*Only visible after restart!*)
- NEW: Daylite application template
- NEW: Added Rocketbox support to Mail application template
- IMPROVED: Behavior when registering with improperly named license
- IMPROVED: Relationship with the TEDiagnosticTool
- IMPROVED: Added informative dialog for Dropbox
- IMPROVED: Improved documentation on restoration from recovered disk images
- IMPROVED: Clarity in how to restore from backups
- IMPROVED: Reordered folder verification code to check for applications first
- IMPROVED: The informative alert upon first encryption
- IMPROVED: Added an additional check to prevent encryption of folders within folders
- CHANGED: Default Minimum Image Capacity (MIC) to 10GB
- FIXED: Incorrect backup interval for hourly backup times
- FIXED: Hang that could occur during uninstallation if folders or disk images were missing
Version 2.5.4 (10/28/09)
Changes since 2.5.3
- IMPROVED: When adding a folder to Espionage, "passwords do not match" is not displayed until second password is entered.
- IMPROVED: Wording of documentation on how to re-import (aka restore) backed up or lost encrypted folders.
- IMPROVED: Switched default keychain choice during install to separate keychain as it has some advantages.
- FIXED: Issue where Little Snitch Configuration could cause app password prompt to appear repeatedly.
- FIXED: Removed unnecessary error message to the log related to reodering of folders.
- FIXED: Rare issue where "Edit Application Associations" button could be disabled when it shouldn't be.
Version 2.5.3 (10/8/09)
Changes since 2.5.2
- IMPROVED: Background UI when no folders in Espionage.
- IMPROVED: Better minimum window size.
- SECURITY: [Important!] Issue introduced in recent version where folder password could be logged to system log on an error. (Thanks to Dirk for catching this!)
Version 2.5.2 (10/3/09)
Changes since 2.5.1
- NEW: Added an intelligent fail-safe into Espionage to help users whose Finder settings cause the password prompt to appear frequently.
- NEW: Documentation in troubleshooting section on what to check if the Finder causes the password prompt to appear too frequently.
- IMPROVED: iSpy installer now places a Readme file alongside ispyd for those who don't read the installer's Readme.
- IMPROVED: Updated Growl to 1.2.
- IMPROVED: EspionageHelper is now completely 64-bit ready!
- FIXED: Issue that prevented iSpy installer from running on some rare systems.
- FIXED: Issue where previous keychain entry wasn't deleted after moving a folder.
- FIXED: Issue where moving a folder (as opposed to renaming) could cause erroneous errors.
- FIXED: Minor issue where application associations could have their names edited.
- FIXED: Two broken links in the help documentation to the ignore list page.
Version 2.5.1 (9/21/09)
Changes since 2.5
- FIXED: Issue where application password prompt could appear upon login in 10.6.
- FIXED: Crash in rare scenario involving quitting Espionage UI during an operation.
- FIXED: A broken link in the help documentation.
- FIXED: Bug in the iSpy installer related to version checking.
Version 2.5 (9/18/09)
Changes since 2.1.1
- NEW: Brand new helper! The heart of Espionage - greatly improved.
- NEW: Fully featured global status menu! Enable it in the General preferences if it's disabled.
- NEW: Stay-Up-To-Date! If update checking is enabled, helper lets you know if you're out-of-date!
- NEW: Won't lock app's folders if the app quickly relaunches (makes app autoupdate smooth).
- NEW: Espionage notices if you've changed a folder's settings and prompts you to save them if necessary.
- NEW: MacJournal application template.
- NEW: Path Finder compatibility mode for Path Finder users! Enable in Espionage's preferences.
- FIXED: Minor issue w/iSpy kext (installer will re-install the updated version)
- FIXED: Issue where a folder could fail to unlock on Snow Leopard
- FIXED: Issue that would cause erroneous errors to appear upon renaming of a folder
- FIXED: Issue that could prevent a folder from being renamed with "Locate Missing Folder..."
- FIXED: Issue that could cause helper to hang on Snow Leopard.
- FIXED: Issue that could cause helper to prevent proper shutdown of computer.
- FIXED: Issue where built-in notifications wouldn't post if Espionage is moved after running it
- FIXED: Minor issue with autounlocking non-encrypted folders.
- FIXED: Rare issue where installer could hang and cause high CPU usage.
- FIXED: Rare issue where an app might not be watched for quit.
- IMPROVED: Folder positions now stick when they're rearranged in the list.
- IMPROVED: Behavior if a folder fails to lock.
- IMPROVED: Behavior if a folder fials to restore.
- IMPROVED: Finder will now immediately reveals contents of a folder when it's disabled.
- IMPROVED: Updated iSpy frameworks for 64-bit support.
- IMPROVED: Updating of helper is smoother.
- IMPROVED: Better handling of applications with disabled associated folders.
- IMPROVED: Script running architecture.
- IMPROVED: Built-in notifications now use Core Animation.
- IMPROVED: Visual feedback in uninstaller during restoration of folders.
- IMPROVED: Many other improvements and bugfixes too detailed to list.
Version 2.1.1 (8/6/09)
Changes since 2.1
- FIXED: Rare issue with trial error dialogue
- FIXED: Rare issue that could lead to a failure to encrypt a folder
- FIXED: Spelling of "Unlocking" (thanks Andreas)
Version 2.1 (7/28/09)
Changes since 2.0.8
- NEW: Snow Leopard Support
- NEW: Autodetection of encryption settings upon adding an already encrypted folder
- NEW: Xcode template to protect Xcode snapshots
- FIXED: Panic in iSpy that could happen in certain situations.
- FIXED: Crash that could happen after 1.x -> 2.x upgrade
- FIXED: Fixed a bug resulting in 1.x -> 2.x upgraded folders being listed as not encrypted
- FIXED: Issue where folder could get stuck with bad ACLs
- FIXED: Irrelevant error messages to console in relation to ACLs
- FIXED: Corrected iChat template
- FIXED: Minor bug associated with ExpanDrive integration while restoring a folder while it's unlocked
- FIXED: Minor bug where dependencies for one association could be used for another in app templates
- FIXED: Minor UI glitch when updating Espionage's helper
- CHANGED: Updated code signing certificate, you will be prompted to re-authorize Espionage to access keychain
- IMPROVED: Modified warning for detection of Logitech Control Center to suggest update to latest version if necessary
- IMPROVED: Updated all components of iSpy, now Snow Leopard compatible, fixed several memory leaks
- IMPROVED: Significantly improved documentation on backing up folders (including documentation on Time Machine and other tools)
- IMPROVED: When searching for a process, match only processes with same exact name, as opposed to names that contain it
- IMPROVED: Espionage now detects upon launch folders that weren't properly locked and syncs up to the situation
- IMPROVED: Behavior on waiting for associations to quit when helper is stopped
- IMPROVED: Changed default backup interval to 1 hour
- IMPROVED: Protective ACLs are removed from folder while it's disabled to allow folder sync with apps like ChronoSync
- IMPROVED: Improved wording of password cover
- IMPROVED: Improved a notification associated with disabling a folder
- IMPROVED: Added check to detect when multiple, conflicting disk images could already exist for a folder being added
- IMPROVED: Added check to detect when an already encrypted folder being added to Espionage was renamed
- IMPROVED: Updated BWToolkit to 1.2.2
Version 2.0.8 (5/24/09)
Changes since 2.0.7
- FIXED: Issue relating to ACLs and "fixing folders" introduced in 2.0.7
- FIXED: Issue where help for application associations would require an internet connection
- IMPROVED: Address Book template sets AddressBook folder to autounlock by default
- IMPROVED: Changed Adium template to encrypt entire app support folder (fixes issue w/its auto-update)
Version 2.0.7 (5/19/09)
Changes since 2.0.6
- NEW: Added app templates for The Hit List, OmniFocus, and Bento
- NEW: You can lock a folder simply by ejecting it (convenient for Path Finder users)
- NEW: Templates have preliminary support for dependencies (ex: Address Book data -> Mail)
- NEW: Templates now automatically disable Spotlight for folders that don't need it
- NEW: Initial appearance of status menu item. Currently only "Backup Now" available, more to come
- FIXED: Possibly fixed a situation where helper could hang if there were too many items to autounlock
- FIXED: Situation on some machines preventing the encryption of folders in Home folder like Documents (thanks Pol!)
- FIXED: Added Mail Downloads folder to Mail association template (thanks Pol!)
- FIXED: Removed logging of unnecessary error message related to custom icons
- FIXED: Bug preventing custom icon from showing while folder is locked
- FIXED: Situation that could prevent external disks from unmounting
- FIXED: Situation in which settings for the wrong folder are shown after a folder is removed from Espionage
- FIXED: Table view not being key after an operation completed
- FIXED: Situation that could prevent proper uninstall on expired trial using separate keychain
- FIXED: Issue relating to helper stop/start preference not being set correctly
- FIXED: Issue relating to start/stopping helper where folders would be incorrectly displayed as being unlocked
- FIXED: Issue related to opening an association during the opening of another one
- IMPROVED: Added built-in check for Logitech Control Center
- IMPROVED: Improved aesthetics of some alerts
- IMPROVED: Modified File menu for clarity
- IMPROVED: Removed auto-backup on mount, use status menu "Backup Now" instead
- IMPROVED: Added ACLs to protect folders while they're disabled (hopefully preventing some "Saved Folder" situations)
- IMPROVED: Added extra warning to prevent users from removing suggested associations from new folder sheet
- IMPROVED: Behavior when logging out
- IMPROVED: Compatibility with MobileMe sync (though syncing manually and maintaining backups are strongly recommend)
- IMPROVED: Compatibility with ExpanDrive
Version 2.0.6 (4/13/09)
Changes since 2.0.4
- FIXED: Bug in 2.0.4 that could prevent a volume with an espionage'd folder from unmounting (thanks Neil!)
- FIXED: Bug in auto-backup where backup wouldn't start if backup folder was in a subfolder of the drive
- FIXED: Auto-enable-on-mount only enables folders if they are on the device that was mounted
- IMPROVED: Warning for "can't find folder" now disappears instead of sticking around waiting to be clicked on
- IMPROVED: Minor change related to custom folder icons
- IMPROVED: Updated BWToolkit to 1.1
Version 2.0.4 (4/10/09)
Changes since 2.0.3
- NEW: Full support for custom folder icons! To add a custom icon to an existing espionage'd folder, disable it, and use the Get Info panel
- NEW: Automatically begins backing up folders if backup drive is mounted
- FIXED: Bug where locking a folder with the 'Lock' CM could cause the Finder to claim it no longer had permission to access the folder
- FIXED: Many situations where password prompt would appear randomly.
- FIXED: Bug introduced in 2.0.3 that prevented moving an encrypted folder to a parent directory
- IMPROVED: Prevents encryption of folders inside of an already encrypted folder (which can cause problems and is unnecessary)
- IMPROVED: Folders backup setting is turned on by default now
- IMPROVED: Warns users to not use iDisk as a backup destination
Version 2.0.3 (3/27/09)
Changes since 2.0.2
- NEW: "Public mountpoint" option allows other users to access unlocked folders (nice for multi-user systems)
- NEW: Added application templates for Thunderbird and Postbox email clients
- NEW: Auto-enables folders on external drives when they are mounted in
- FIXED: Situation that could cause Mail to claim it didn't have permission to access its folder
- FIXED: Items added to the ignore list from the prompt wouldn't appear in "real-time" the UI list
- FIXED: UI glitch associated with the Minimum Image Capacity text field
- FIXED: Bug where launch-at-login checkbox could be checked when it wasn't supposed to
- FIXED: Very rare launch-at-login bug
- IMPROVED: Checks to prevent users from running Espionage from its disk image
- IMPROVED: This version listens to a different sparkle feed (so that users don't see the warning for 1.x)
- IMPROVED: Added check to discourage encrypting application bundles
- IMPROVED: Checks to prevent Espionage from running from a disk image
- IMPROVED: Mountpoints are predictable and stay the same, they no longer use incrementing numbers
- IMPROVED: Open panels now point to whatever they last pointed to instead of the home folder always
Version 2.0.2 (2/28/09)
Changes since 2.0.1
- FIXED: situation where the helper could hang if an association went missing
- FIXED: apps with names longer than 16 characters were not being watched for quit
- FIXED: finder sometimes bringing up password prompt upon login
- IMPROVED: will not stop or update helper while associated apps running (prevents their data from being locked)
Version 2.0.1 (2/26/09)
Changes since 2.0
- FIXED: Backups not backing up recently added folder
- IMPROVED: fseventsd added to default whitelist
Version 2.0 (2/24/09)
Changes since 1.1.2
- NEW: Support for separate keychain = support for separate master password!
- NEW: Application Associations - Tightly integrates applications with their encrypted folders (no need to auto-unlock)
- NEW: DelayedLauncher built-in. Check "Launch at login" in Application Associations
- NEW: Stupid-Proof safety checks for folders with application associations (won't lock/restore while app is running)
- NEW: Sparsebundle support
- NEW: Moved to setup-assistant based architecture
- NEW: Automatic backups of the database and keychain stored in the support folder (keeps 30 of each)
- NEW: Uninstaller options allow fine-grained control over what's uninstalled
- NEW: Bult-in backups allow easy and efficient backups of encrypted folders. Enable them from the preferences.
- FIXED: Several issues relating to multiple user accounts
- FIXED: Bug that caused lots of notifications to appear on login when auto-fixing dir in certain situation
- FIXED: Bug that could cause folder restore to fail in certain situation
- FIXED: Bug that could cause Espionage to fail to fix a broken folder
- IMPROVED: Significantly faster encryption (tests have shown over 300% improvement for small folders)
- IMPROVED: Installer more robust, should handle more system configurations
- IMPROVED: Installer overhauled to use new setup-assistant architecture
- IMPROVED: Error handling in case of failure to create image
- IMPROVED: Password cover is now completely opaque
- IMPROVED: Unlocking a folder is safer, won't delete it before making the link unless there are no files in it
- IMPROVED: Added error checking to prevent encrypting a parent folder of the Espionage application itself
- IMPROVED: Preferences resize themselves to fit selected view
- IMPROVED: Better support for backup apps that synchronize over the network
- IMPROVED: Added new "Tools" menu, currently contains ignore list and application associations
- IMPROVED: Preferences are unlocked if application is unlocked, no need to re-enter password
- IMPROVED: Re-enabling a folder and "fix" it if it was left in a poor state (disk image in parent)
- IMPROVED: Much of the help documentation has been updated or rewritten
- IMPROVED: Optimizations, quality-of-code improvements, minor bug fixes, lots of polish
Version 1.1.2 (11/11/08)
Changes since 1.1.1
- NEW: support for encrypting folders over a network mount
- NEW: ability to run Espionage on multiple user accounts
- NEW: you can now rename a folder using "Locate Missing Folder..."
- FIXED: updated ispyd to remove unnecessary logging
- FIXED: "Locate Missing Item" menu item in File menu grayed out properly
- FIXED: some issues with non-ASCII characters
- FIXED: moving folder could cause Espionage to lose track of its password
- FIXED: potential hang when locking a non-encrypted folder w/simultaneous access
- IMPROVED: more informative logging
- IMPROVED: restoring folders copies over extended attributes
- IMPROVED: upon restore volume is made visible to improve robustness in case of error
- IMPROVED: upon restore image is appended with date in case of existing image in parent
- IMPROVED: one-shot notification explaining how to securely delete original folder
- IMPROVED: uninstaller now deletes preferences too, resulting in a truly complete uninstall
- IMPROVED: added instructions on how to fix error -1712
- IMPROVED: error handling in installer
- IMPROVED: Espionage won't give annoying redundant error if helper fails during operation
- IMPROVED: more safety checks on what can be encrypted and what can't
Version 1.1.1 (11/04/08)
Changes since 1.1
- FIXED: "Open Helper Log" changed to "Open System Log". Look for more improvements later.
- FIXED: Attempts to encrypt ~/foo and ~/foo3 work now (thanks Roger!)
- FIXED: [_NSStateMarker filePath] should no longer happen.
- FIXED: Can no longer uninstall if locked
- IMPROVED: Won't let user encrypt parent folder of Espionage's database for safety
- IMPROVED: Updated encryption doc to mention that you can securely delete the original folder using the Finder.
- IMPROVED: more informative logging (don't worry, we make sure not to log too much)
- IMPROVED: Folder capacity is now at least 10 times the folder size. Automatic resizing coming soon.
- IMPROVED: Espionage now intelligently handles folders that weren't locked properly